
Travel Story in Marine Park in Raja Ampat Papua from Indonesia

Who says in Papua no object stunning marine tourism? During this Papua with exotic culture better known as simple and abundant natural resources. However, come to Raja Ampat, and enjoy the beauty of the coral reef, complete with captivating marine life as well as an impressive maritime scenery.

Nothing wrong if later Putri Indonesia 2005 Nadine Chandrawinata expressed admiration in this region after a dive, feel the grain underwater panorama Raja Ampat very alluring. Snorkeling and diving enthusiasts is guaranteed not to be disappointed. Instead, they would be called to come and come again.

Raja Ampat is a fraction Sorong, since 2003. District 31 thousand inhabitants has 610 islands (only 35 islands are inhabited) with an area of about 46,000 km2, but only 6,000 km2 of land, 40,000 km2 sea again.

The islands are unspoiled and the sea is still beautiful make direct tourists hooked. Raja Ampat Islands located in the northwest of the head of a bird of New Guinea, with about 1500 small islands and atolls as well as the four main large islands, namely Misol, Salawati, Bantata and Waigeo. This then makes the Raja Ampat marine park in Indonesia.

This region had become the target of hunters reef fish by means of bombing and spread the poison cyanide. However, there are still many people who attempt to protect the region so that the wealth of the sea could be saved. The coral reefs of Raja Ampat rated the most complete in the world. Of the world's 537 species of coral, 75 percent were in these waters. Also found 1,104 species of fish, 669 species of molluscs (soft animals), and 537 species of coral animals. Extraordinary!

The World Bank works closely with global environmental institutions set Raja Ampat as one region in eastern Indonesia were assisted Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program (Coremap) II, since 2005. In Raja Ampat, this program covers 17 villages and involve local residents. Fishermen are also trained to cultivate grouper and seaweed.

Especially for those of you who are not interested in diving activities, the expanse of blue sea that refract the beauty of the sky, a sprinkling of white sand that radiate sparkle like pearls, can be enjoyed. In addition, there are a cluster of islands is fascinating and unique flora and fauna such as red paradise, paradise Wilson, maleo Waigeo, various parrots and parrot, possum Waigeo, as well as various types of orchids.

Papua Diving on the island Mansuar is one of the leading resort is located in this area. Foreign tourists diving enthusiasts at home for days and even a month in Raja Ampat enjoy the beauty that is there and stay in Papua Diving.

Maximillian J Ammer, a Dutch citizen of Papua Diving Resort owners are also pioneers marine tourism drive this region, need desperately to set up various facilities to attract tourists from abroad. Since starting his business eight years ago, many funds should be spent. However, the results are satisfactory. Every year the resort is visited at least 600 special tourist who spent an average of two weeks.

Lodging is very simple, just a walled and thatch roofs that cost a minimum of 75 euros, or Rp 900,000 a night. If you want to dive must pay 30 euros, or about USD 360,000 was diving at a particular location. Most tourists come from Europe. Only a few tourists from Indonesia to stay and dive in there.

Kri Island, Waigeo, and Misool also prepared a resort for visitors. On the island there Misool Eco Resort are built by applying the principles of strict nature conservation. There is an agreement with the indigenous population in the region to maintain a unified ecosystem, called "No Take Zone" which prohibits the making of any exploitation of the sea, ranging from hunting shells, turtle eggs, shark fin until just looking for fish. In the extreme, even in an eco resort because it prohibits the use of antiseptic tank effluent feared would kill the coral reef ecosystem around it.

Some resorts set the price is relatively expensive because it presents a complete facility. Travelers with limited costs also can take advantage of a government-owned resort that is much cheaper in the area Waisai, capital of Raja Ampat.

You must first fly to the airport Domne Eduard Osok, Sorong, Papua, and then directly to the location with fast boats with a capacity of about 10 people who charge Rp 3.2 million each way. It takes about 3-4 hours to reach the area of Raja Ampat particularly Mansuar Island.

To get around the island to be desired, we can rent a speedboat capacity of 10 people at a price of USD 3-5 million per 8 hours, depending on the intelligence we bargained for. We can also take a tour package to visit the village to see the typical local plants and animals such as birds of paradise.

To get into the area of Raja Ampat, everyone must pay an entrance fee of Rp 250 thousand for domestic tourists, and $ 500 thousand for tourists from abroad. A round pin that serves as this identity we will receive, after paying the fee.

Uniquely, this pin is valid for one year, from 1 January to 31 December. So if in one year that we go back and forth to visit Raja Ampat, only need to pay an entrance fee only once. Of course, the pin was not to be lost and we have to wear as identification.      


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