
Streets Into Cliffs Keraton At Dago Bandung, Indonesia

New tourist attractions in Bandung this one emerging around May 2014. And the founder of the cliff, this palace its name Pak Asep. If you go there, you'll know the origin of this cliff, there is an information board about the forerunner Cliffs palace.

Name Meaning And Height
Many say this 'palace Cliffs', but its real name Sundanese Abis loh, 'Cliffs Karatons' which means it Grandeur Nature according to the information board I read there.
The cliff height of the palace which is right in Dago Pakar area is about 1200 meters above sea level, create very sizable Seeing forest views from the top. Curious as how awesomenya cliff palace? Okay I share photos and reviews when they travel to the cliffs of the palace, Review, Route Google Mapsnya same coordinates.
Tebing Keraton Di Dago Pakar
Pemandangan Tebing Keraton Bandung
Here you will nemuin view from a height of Bandung were different than usual, if at Bukit Bintang, Moko and so you can see the cool city lights at night, well, if very different here. Here you are in the same cekokin forest scenery Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda out of altitude. Anyway really cool, look in rich green scenery paced 20rb's money so I'm saranin try dateng pas sunrise or sunset, beuh! You can dapetin photo cool-cool, trying to find just the image in Google 'Cliffs palace', you can temuin selfie many people there.
Tebing Keraton
Tips & Admission
Just a tip for you who want to come here anyway usahain bring a jacket, the same shoes. Because the weather here is quite cold especially mornings and caution also beachhead in this cliff dry sand so, so pretty slick. Kan can wasallam especially if slipping little security here is not too good, only in pairs of bamboo. Yes probably because of the new, albeit essentially guts tetep big guys be careful. Do not bring children better, especially in the off wandering.
Now the palace is already passable Cliffs crowded than the beginning of May to August, so a little jostling at the edge of the cliff. Continue now also already existing entry fee of Rp 11,000 / person, it already includes insurance but not parking, for motor Rp 5,000 to Rp 10,000 cars. Try perhatiin vehicle brake condition not to tension, not a matter of fitting naek aja, fitting down also nungkik Abis kayak tsubasa kick, the plan will go back home continue to share experiences of Cliffs palace, what is immoral even more fitting jump off a cliff derivatives, do not want it? And do not forget, gasoline. Yes here is not the highway that every kilo there akang how gasoline sales.


Kalau dari Tahura itu kira-kira perjalanan ke atas sekitar 3,5km, deket sih cuma jalanannya itu bikin speachless. Udah aspal cuma lumayan rusak, bayangin aja aspal rusak feat jalanan yang naik banget. Intinya kalau mau kesana ikutin jalan gede, ikutin plang Dago Pakar/Bukit Pakar, ketemu rumah-rumah gede dan bakal muncul plang Tebing Keraton, plang khusus Tebing Keraton ini cukup kecil sih, kayaknya buatan warga jadi kalian harus jeli. Tapi mungkin udah diperbaiki sejalan sama makin banyaknya orang dateng kesana.
Oke cukup sekian yang bisa gue share sekarang. Meskipun jalanannya sukses bikin pantat gue emosi, tapi dijamin ga akan nyesel berkunjung kesana. Saran buat kalian semua yang mau ke Tebing Keraton tolong pelihara lingkungan, jangan buang sampah sembarangan, jangan pecicilan waktu di ujung tebing, ya kalau mau nyawa kalian cuma dibayar Rp 20.000.000 sama pihak asuransi sih silahkan, dan sopan. Oh ya kalau gue perhatiin di Tebing Keraton kebanyakan anak muda yang dateng, sepertinya buat wisata keluarga juga kurang pas hehe. Btw kalau mau kesana dari Jakarta/luar kota, bisa cari hotel murah di Bandung sekitaran dago.

If the Tahura it roughly upward journey around 3,5km, deket only does it make speachless streets. It's been just passable damaged asphalt, imagine aja damaged asphalt road that rises feat really. The point is if you want to go there just follow the big road, just follow the signs Dago Pakar / Bukit Pakar, see big houses and will appear signpost palace Cliffs, Cliffs special signpost palace is quite small anyway, I think artificial residents so you must be observant. But it may already be fixed in line at the increasing number of people dateng there.
Okay enough so that I can share right now. Although the road was successful make my butt emotion, but guaranteed it will not nyesel visit there. Advice for all of you who want to Cliffs Kraton please maintain the environment, do not litter, do not pecicilan time on the edge of the cliff, so if you want your lives only paid Rp 20 million each insurer does please, and courteous. Oh yes if I perhatiin in Cliff palace mostly young people who came, seemed to make family travel is also less fit hehe. Btw if you want to get there from Jakarta / out of town, can find a cheap hotel in Bandung Area dago. 


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