Enjoy the beauty of Bandung City View Through Punclut
Never stopping to Punclut Bandung to enjoy the beauty lensekap Bandung? Ups, for visitors from out of town may be somewhat familiar with the area called Punclut Bandung. Punclut an abbreviation of Peak Ciumbuleuit. This area has a height of up to over 1000 meters above sea level, so visitors can enjoy the view of Bandung, which is both beautiful and fresh air in the surrounding area that tends to be cold and fresh. Well, are familiar with Peak Ciumbuleuit?
Stall - stall Punclut Lesbian in Bandung usually provide Sundanese food. Diverse menu provided. However the average - average offer Rice Lead and Nasi Goreng. But there is one unique culinary Punclut Bandung that you should try, the Red Rice glance somewhat blackish color. Served in a basket of woven bamboo, Red Rice is also equipped with a variety of side dishes such as fried foods, chicken, shrimp, squid, eel fish to fry. Enjoyed with chili paste and fresh vegetables raw or jengkol fried banana. Wow, really - really feels good with the cold surrounding air.
Minuman yang disediakan juga memanjakan pengunjung dengan kehangatannya. Direkomendasikan untuk memesan Bandrek untuk menjaga kehangatan badan. Bagi yang ingin membeli camilan ringan bisa memesan jagung bakar untuk menemani kegiatan Anda selama di Punclut Bandung.
To facilitate the pronunciation is usually shortened to Punclut Bandung. To reach this area you can take the route via Jalan Cihampelas towards RS Salamun. Then just follow the path towards Jalan Ciumbuleuit. Punclut Bandung area normally frequented and crowded on weekends. Saturdays and Sundays are usually a lot of local residents or immigrants who spent his vacation to enjoy the beauty and freshness Punclut Bandung.
While enjoying the beautiful view of the city you can eat a wide variety of dishes served at the many stalls - stalls lesehan that many scattered in this area. Punclut Bandung has many culinary offerings are fit to be enjoyed. Especially when the air temperature to cool. Food and warm drinks shall accompany your activities in Punclut Bandung.
Minuman yang disediakan juga memanjakan pengunjung dengan kehangatannya. Direkomendasikan untuk memesan Bandrek untuk menjaga kehangatan badan. Bagi yang ingin membeli camilan ringan bisa memesan jagung bakar untuk menemani kegiatan Anda selama di Punclut Bandung.
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