
Travel Paradiso Hidden Land Sundanese, Indonesia

Green Canyon is in Cijulang, West Java, which is about 285 km from Jakarta (31 km from Pangandaran Beach).

This place is a group of cave, with stalactites and stalagmites are hidden behind green cliffs - maybe that's why it is called Green Canyon, a pun of the Grand Canyon in the United States. The local people used to call Cukang Taneuh.

To go to the cave, you should head for the dock and buy a ticket. When going on during holidays (let alone a long weekend), we can be sure you have to wait a few hours to turn up the boat to the cave.

The boats are operated tour of the local population, but arranged by the district. One boat can carry up to five passengers with the rental price of Rp 75,000. If you want to swim in a cave, you can tell the crew of the boat to wait, of course for a fee.

 They will ask for Rp 100,000 for a full day, but of course you will not spend a day there. Tawarlah, maybe you can get Rp 80,000 and Rp 50,000 holiday season when it was empty.

 Each boat always provide a float for passengers, so if you are less good at swimming, do not worry too much. The travelers usually also take advantage of the cave rocks to jump into the clear water.

If you do not like to swim, you can use the time to enjoy the scenery, also took pictures. Before the entrance of the cave, there is a small dock that is usually used by boat to wait. There were several vendors selling drinks and snacks.

One shortcoming of the Green Canyon is the maintenance that is still not good, perhaps because this place is relatively new attractions. Here, there are only three toilets and a small mosque, whereas during the holidays visitors can reach up to hundreds of people.

However, the locals took advantage by providing small rooms and a prayer that is more feasible, only the rate of Rp 2,000. The car park is opposite the pier quite spacious, with a cost of Rp 3,000 for a full day.

All around the parking area there is a row of stalls selling rice and grilled fish and coconut. You may also want to enjoy the local food such as lotek, karedok and salad mashed. In addition to low cost, very suitable to fill the stomach after tired of playing in the cave!

Towards Green Canyon
With private car, from Jakarta you can through Cipularang to Bandung. Exit the motorway at Cileunyi, follow the road Ciawi-Nagreg to Tasikmalaya. Before Rajapolah, turn right and take route Ciamis-Banjar. From there you will see signs indicating the direction to Pangandaran. The travel time from Jakarta to Cijulang 6-7 hours.

If you are going to travel by public transport, from Kampung Rambutan Terminal, PO Budiman provide bus majors Pangandaran. From Grogol and Tangerang there are also some buses that serve this route. Arriving in Pangandaran, you have to change buses heading Cijulang. Cijulang terminal located about 1 km from the Green Canyon.

Besides land, there are also flights from Jakarta to Pangandaran via Bandung once daily from Susi Air. You should book tickets well in advance.
other information

You better prepare enough cash, because the closest ATM is located approximately 1 km from Green Canyon - The Bank BRI right across the district office Cijulang. I encountered a local resident said, the machines often run out of cash.

When that happens, you will be forced to take approximately 4 km to get the next ATM machine. Of course you do not want this to happen is not it?

The visitors can also do body rafting around Bat Cave. This activity is managed by the crew of the boat in cooperation with the local village youth. Tell the crew of the boat that you want to do body rafting and they will take you to the place. Time it takes about 3-4 hours and of course at an additional cost

There is no accommodation in Green Canyon. The closest hotel is in Panireman Riverside river mouth leading to Batu Karas beach, about 15 minutes from the Green Canyon. The other hotels are in the vicinity of Batu Karas Beach, tourist attractions will be discussed in the next article.


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